About RJ Hema
A girl next door with full of life. Her mission is not merely to survive but to thrive, and fill lives with some passion, compassion thru humor Ka tadka and style . Yeh hai aapki apni Desi Kudi RJ Hema Suri with logo of big teethy smile.
About the show#1
Per Hema “KUCH BHEEGE ALFAAZ ….. In this show I will talk about the different experiences we get in this safar called Life. The words straight from heart soaked in love, warmth, humor, laughter and some style gyan.
About the show#2
The English show LIFE IS FREAKIN’ CRAZY is fun and crazyyy
Link for her Blog – Princess by Passion
KUCH BHEEGE ALFAAZ – story-telling with music!
LIFE IS FREAKIN’ CRAZY – fun and crazy but real!
Archives – listen always!
Favorite song – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_FPWx0iRxE